Both of us at the Orebank alumni website had planned to take lots of photos of various and random groups of people at the reunion. Here's what actually happened: one of us stayed so busy she didn't take her camera out of the bag. The other took scads of photos - but only of her class.

We would love to post some reunion photos here. If you have some you would like to submit, please contact Nina at or Sheri at

Monday, October 19, 2009

Reunion 2009 Update

Hello Fellow Orebankers
Just wanted to fill everyone in on how the reunion went this past saturday. It was a great success with almost 200 in attendance. We had a range from people that attended the Gaines School through the closing of the Orebank School. We did have quiet a few gaps though where 1 or 2 people were showing up for a class and some that we had no one to represent a certain class. All in all I think everyone had alot of fun reuniting with classmates. We are going to have another reunion and I will keep you posted on that. We need at least one class representative from each class that went to Orebank or Gaines School so we have a greater chance of contacting everyone. If you would like to be a class rep. please let me know either through e-mail or call me 288-9307. We also decided at the next reunion we are going to have catered BBQ and everyone just pay  for how many guest they have,  this will require an RSVP for everyone so we know how much to order. We also want to encourage everyone to keep sending us pics and make comments. Just because reunion 2009 has come and gone doesn't mean we want this blog to go at a snails pace in it's growth. I want to take this opportunity also to thank all that served on the planning committee, without this committee this event would have been impossible. Hope everyone that attended the reunion had a wonderful time. And for those who couldn't make it I hope you get the chance to make it to our next one. We do need to reach out to more teachers and staff for the next reunion also. We had just a few staff members at the reunion.
I will be updating as needed but please keep those comments and pics coming and if you would like to be a class rep, please contact me

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